Motives and Complex Multiplication
Giuseppe Ancona — Conservativity of realization functors on motives of abelian type over finite fields
Fabrizio Andreatta — Arithmetic of CM cycles on GSpin-Shimura varieties
Masanori Asakura — A survey on regulators of K1 of hypergeometric fibrations and applications
Bruno Klingler — Hodge loci and atypical intersections: conjectures
Kai-Wen Lan — An example-based introduction to Shimura varieties
Vincent Maillot and Damian Rössler — Conjectures on the logarithmic derivatives of Artin L-functions
Lenny Taelman — Complex multiplication and Shimura stacks
Frans Oort — CM Jacobians
Maryna Viazovska — CM values of higher Green's functions
Jörg Wildeshaus — Absolute intersection motive