The program will consist of three minicourses of 5h30 each plus six 1h additional talks.
The lectures will take place at the Holzlaube of the FU (Room 2.2058, Fabeckstrasse 23-25, 14195 Berlin)
The abstracts are available here and the schedule here.
Joseph Ayoub (Universität Zürich) — Triangulated categories of motives and the Kontsevich-Zagier conjecture
Clément Dupont (Université de Montpellier) — Mixed Tate motives and multiple zeta values
Peter Jossen (ETH Zürich) — Exponential motives and exponential periods
Additional talks
Ishai Dan-Cohen (Ben Gurion University) — Progress on rational motivic path spaces
Martin Gallauer (UCLA) — Motivic Galois groups in characteristic 0
Tiago Jardim da Fonseca (Orsay) — Higher Ramanujan equations and periods of abelian varieties
Nils Matthes (MPIM Bonn) — Twisted elliptic multiple zeta values
Erik Panzer (Oxford) — The Galois
coaction on φ4 periods
Sinan Ünver (Koç University) — Iterated sum series and p-adic multiple zeta values